About On Point Fire Training
The responsibilities of the Bureau of Firefighter Standards and Training (BFST) section of the Division of State Fire Marshal include management, oversight and maintenance of the Florida fire service certification program as defined in Statue and Administrative Code.
The BFST approves Florida’s firefighter training curricula, provides training to Florida’s emergency services providers at the Florida State Fire College and certifies Florida fire service members to ensure they meet industry-based standards.
Instead of attending a classroom setting, students can enroll with an approved off site training institute, such as On Point Fire Training, that meets the standards set forth by the BFST. Our mission is to provide an affordable, self-paced curriculum that can adjust to any lifestyle. The platform we provide is suited for all types of learning styles and can be accessed anywhere. Meaning, each student can choose their own learning environment to fit his or her needs which will return optimal results. Another benefit of attending OPFT is that this learning style promoted career development. Balancing professional and personal lives for working adults can be tricky, but with OPFT, students have the resources needed to progress as they wish. By it’s inherent nature, self-paced learning puts the onus of learning on the learners. This increased ownership will directly increase self motivation as well as learning how to better organized your time. If enrolled, each student will be learning and sharpening invaluable leadership skills that will benefit their personal and professional lives.
Our overall goal at On Point Fire Training is success for both the program but specially its students. To do this the instructors at OPTF provide quick meaningful feedback which allows learnings to monitor and track their performance, while making sure they’re on the right path towards their goals. Feedback from our students is key to success of our program. OPTF uses an analytics approach to gather student feedback which can be use to continually make improvements to our products and processes, improve the learning experience for our users and helping them to achieve their training goals.
Say goodbye to your past and hello to your future! Join On Point Fire Training and take the steps needed to open your potential future in the fire service.



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