Nick Palmisano

During this course, students will be introduced to Florida’s system, components, benefits, and how the system works. Students will also learn the components and processes for mutual aid as well as learn how to run a post incident analysis to assure that needed information is obtained and used to assist with future emergencies.
This curriculum covers multiple company operations, logistics, strategy, use of mutual aid forces and conflagration control. The course is intended for officers who may be in command of fires and other emergencies involving close coordination and maximum use of large amounts of manpower and equipment. Typical tactical situations and case histories are given. The development of critical thinking skills is stressed.
Recommended Book: Used by FSFC – Strategic & Tactical Considerations on the Fireground Fourth
Edition by James Smith, Brady. ISBN # 978-0-13-25881-7
This is a study of private fire protection and detection systems, such as sprinkler and standpipe systems, chemical extinguishing systems, detection systems and devices. Each system is discussed as to its need, construction, preventative maintenance and individual uses.
Recommended Book: Fire Protection Systems (3rd ed.); A. Maurice Jones, Jr.
ISBN: 978-1284180138
Designed to assist Fire Officers in solving the varied problems and situations they will be required to manage effectively in today’s ever-changing fire service. The curriculum includes a review of Fire Department organization and administration, management theory, leadership, communications, motivation, and group dynamics.
Recommended Book: Fire Officer Principles and Practice (3nd ed); Jones & Bartlett (2015)
ISBN: 978-1-284-06836-8
This course is designed to provide the public educator with the knowledge and skills needed to perform as a fire and life safety educator as addressed in the National Fire Protection Act (NFPA) 1035. Topics include fire behavior, community assessment, injury prevention and juvenile fire setting. The student will also develop presentation skills and learn how to design public education programs.
Recommended Book: Fire and Life Safety Educator – Principles and Practices (2nd Edition) Jones & Bartlett ISBN 978-1284041972
This course covers the principles of effective curriculum design. It stresses the principles of adult learning and student-centered learning. Designing courses and units that address learning, performance, and behavioral objectives is the program goal.
Recommended Book: IFSTA Fire and Emergency Services Instructor 9th Edition.
ISBN: 978-0-87939-696-1, IFSTA Item #: 36342
The curriculum is designed to cover basic factors involved in coping with a fire emergency, and determining the best use of available resources in protecting lives and property. The course emphasizes the changing nature of an emergency situation, and the ways in which the fire officer can evaluate the effectiveness of his or her proposed incident action plan.
Recommended Book: Strategic & Tactical Considerations on the Fireground 4th Edition James P.
Smith ISBN 13: 978-0134442648
A study of Fire Inspection practices, including such items as purpose; definition, fire prevention bureau activities, hazards, fire cause, types of constructions including structural features, flame spread, occupancy and fire-load, inspection techniques, conducting inspections.
Recommended Book: Used by FSFC – IFSTA Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement (8th Edition) ISBN: 978-087939605-3
The curriculum in this portion of the Fire Prevention Inspection Certification program deals with building construction. Topics include identifying hazards from assault by fire and gravity, how building construction can influence fire spread, fire confident or structural collapse, and many other life safety issues. This is not a building course, but rather a course to identify construction features and their hazards under fire conditions.
Recommended Book: Building Construction Related to the Fire Service (4th ed.); IFSTA (2016)
ISBN: 978-087939594-0
Your time spent on this Course:
The curriculum draws from many recognized authorities in exploring the methods and mechanics of imparting information and adult learning principles. The course emphasizes techniques which have wide application in teaching situations, as well as devices for specific areas. Also stressed are measuring teaching effectiveness, the use of media and visual aids.
Recommended Book: IFSTA Fire and Emergency Services Instructor, 9th Edition. ISBN: 978-0-87939-696-1, IFSTA Item #: 36342